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Year: 1999-00 Set Name: Legends
1970 to 1979 (38)
1971-72 (3)
1972-73 (3)
1973-74 (7)
1974-75 (4)
1975-76 (10)
1977-78 (5)
1978-79 (3)
1979-80 (3)
1980 to 1989 (6)
1981-82 (2)
1987-88 (1)
1988-89 (3)
1990 to 1999 (14)
1995-96 (6)
1997-98 (2)
1999-00 (6)
2000 to 2009 (1)
2000-01 (1)
2010 to Present (165)
2012-13 (9)
2013-14 (7)
2014-15 (6)
2015-16 (28)
2016-17 (13)
2017-18 (28)
2018-19 (35)
2019-20 (39)
2020 to Present (17)
2020-21 (7)
2021-22 (8)
2022-23 (2)
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